E. School Infrastructure  
Sl. No Description Minimum Size (as per SOP) No. of Units
1 ClassRoom(For running Classes) Greater than 500 sq ft (46.45 sqm) 48
2 Other Rooms Greater than 500 sq ft (46.45 sqm) 5
3 Other Rooms Less than 500 sq ft (46.45 sqm) 3
4 Composite Science Lab Greater than equal to 600 sq ft (55.74 sqm) 1
5 Mathematics Lab Greater than equal to 500 sq ft (46.45 sqm) 1
6 Physics Lab Greater than equal to 600 sq ft (55.74 sqm) 1
7 Chemistry Lab Greater than equal to 600 sq ft (55.74 sqm) 1
8 Biology Lab Greater than equal to 600 sq ft (55.74 sqm) 1
9 Computer Lab Greater than equal to 600 sq ft (55.74 sqm) 2
10 Computers (Desktop/Laptop)
with Internet Connectivity
01 Computer System per 18 students interconnected
with a single LAN network with audio- video input & ouput
(Webcam/Speakers etc). Minimum 40 computer Systems
11 Library Greater than equal to 1200 sq ft (111.48 sqm) 2
12 Music Room Greater than equal to 500 sq ft (46.45 sqm) 1
13 Dance Room Greater than equal to 500 sq ft (46.45 sqm) 1
14 Special Educator Room Greater than equal to 500 sq ft (46.45 sqm) 1
15 Strong Rooms 1
16 Girl's Toilet 20
17 Boy's Toilet 20
18 Girls Urinal with partition 30
19 Boys Urinal with partition 30